
Your Trusted Industry News Source

Professional Print & Mail Service
October 11, 2022
If you are looking for a reliable and cost-effective print and mail service, there are many reasons to choose...
Market Research
October 11, 2022
Market or marketing research refers to the procedure of finding out the feasibility of a new product or service...
Customer Satisfaction
September 2, 2022
Customer and client feedback is essential for every type of business. However, when your clients have high customer satisfaction...
Processed Data
September 2, 2022
Collecting medical data from many sources supports better contact between doctors and patients. Leading to improved patient care. However,...
data collecting
September 2, 2022
According to Statista, the total volume of data generated and consumed globally in 2022 alone is 97 zettabytes, and it’s...
Manage Student Data
September 2, 2022
There has been a focus on data control in higher education. As schools strive to improve student issues, they...
Legal Document Management
September 2, 2022
Let’s say your attorneys are defending a patent. Requiring major contact and document sharing between in-house attorneys, outside counsel,...
Documents Quickly
July 12, 2022
Not all companies have the luxury of conducting 100% of their business digitally, and some continue to require paper...
Document Scanning Services
July 12, 2022
Law firms are one of the many types of businesses that will always need large volumes of paperwork in...
Data Entry
May 23, 2022
Every business needs some type of data entry performed on a regular basis. Not only is data entry time...
May 23, 2022
Every business owner should be aware of their responsibility when it comes to submitting 1099 forms to the appropriate...
May 11, 2022
Why the 1099 Tax Form is Important   The 1099 tax form is important because it is used to report...